Socialization of PMTB and PODES Activites 2018 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sawah Lunto Municipality

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Socialization of PMTB and PODES Activites 2018

Socialization of PMTB and PODES Activites 2018

April 17, 2018 | Other Activities

The second Quarter of 2018 is a fairly dense period for the Central Bureau of Statistics. There are 3 (three) data collection activities with large enough tasks that the implementation of the field together in this quarter, the PMTB, PODES, and SUTAS 2018 activities. These three activities go hand in hand with other data collection activities routinely carried out by BPS.

The activity of PMTB 2018 is the activity of preparing the disaggregation of gross value added. The background of the implementation of this activity is the increasing need for data, especially the detailed investment data, in order to build the acceleration of economic growth more qualified. This is related to one of the National Priorities namely Business Development and Tourism. In order to achieve this, priority programs with priority activities are made of this PMTB data collection. This series of PMTB activities itself has been running from January 2018, with the implementation of the field in April-June 2018, and continued processing and reconciliation until the end of 2018.

Activity PODES 2018 is an activity of data collection on infrastructure availability and potency possessed by every administration area of ​​village / sub-district, sub-district, regency / city all over Indonesia. This activity is conducted every 2 years prior to Census activities conducted by BPS, ie Population Census (year ending point 0), Agricultural Census (year ending point 3), Economic Census (year ending in number 6). PODES activities conducted in 2018 are activities ahead of the Population Census in 2020. The series of activities has been implemented from January, and continued with field data collection in May 2018, until the target of data dissemination in December 2018.

As a publicity of these two activities, BPS Kota Sawahlunto conducts socialization activities on April 17, 2018 held at the Meeting Room of Ombilin Hotel, Sawahlunto City. Participants socialization of 85 invitations consisted of village officials, sub-districts, UPT offices in sub-districts, offices / agencies, and prospective respondents from PMTB and PODES activities 2018. Socialization activities began at 09.00 pm, officially opened by Assistant II Mayor Sawahlunto, followed by material discussion by resource persons Head of BPS Kota Sawahlunto (Hendro Seprita Deza, SST) moderated by Section Head of Balance Sheet and Statistical Analysis of BPS Kota Sawahlunto (Desevaria, SST). It is expected that with this socialization activity, prospective respondents and related offices / agencies can prepare themselves to provide the necessary data, so that the activities of PMTB and PODES 2018 can be done smoothly and the expected goals are achieved well.

Regards PIA

Socialization materials can be downloaded at the following link:



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