Focus Group Discussion (FGD) of Finalization Sawahlunto Municipality in Figures 2018 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sawah Lunto Municipality

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Focus Group Discussion (FGD) of Finalization Sawahlunto Municipality in Figures 2018

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) of Finalization Sawahlunto Municipality in Figures 2018

August 9, 2018 | Other Activities

One of the roles of BPS in realizing the government program is to provide complete, objective, relevant and up to date data. One of the service products from BPS is the publication of Daerah Dalam Angka (DDA). DDA publication is compiled by BPS every year, with presentation levels from Province, Regency / City, to District. The contents of the 80% DDA itself are administrative data / records collected from SOE Service / Agencies / Companies. Good coordination with the Office / Agency / BUMN Company as a source of data, is very necessary to be able to produce quality publications on an ongoing basis. One of the steps taken by BPS to maintain and improve the quality is through the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) activities by inviting all responsible parties in the respective data services / agencies / BUMN companies to equalize perception, verification and finalization of the data to be displayed in the DDA publication. It is expected that with this FGD activity, all relevant agencies / institutions can understand their role and can be more responsible in providing administrative data / records, and can create good relations to realize the joint commitment towards One Data Indonesia.

The FGD activities were held in the Sawahlunto City Hall meeting room on August 9, 2018 by inviting 45 participants from SOE agencies / agencies to be the source of data in 2018 Daerah Dalam Angka publications. As the resource person at the FGD event was Hendro Seprita Deza, SST, Head of BPS of Sawahlunto City. In the event the resource person advised representatives of agencies / agencies to increase awareness of the importance of data collection / administrative records. Without complete, objective, relevant and up to date administrative data, it will be difficult for the government to determine appropriate, appropriate and directed policies.
Furthermore, it needs more optimal planning in managing the strategies that will be implemented, in the collection of data / records of cross-sector administration in the City of Sawahlunto to be more effective and efficient. This is in line with the government's plan to realize the One Data Indonesia, which can be accessed (responsibly) by all levels, ranging from Government to the general public. Hopefully in the future, all agencies, both vertical and under local government, can work together better to achieve this common goal.

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