FGD of Finalizing DDA2019, Introduction to SIMDASI, and One Data Indonesia in Sawahlunto - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sawah Lunto Municipality

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FGD of Finalizing DDA2019, Introduction to SIMDASI, and One Data Indonesia in Sawahlunto

FGD of Finalizing DDA2019, Introduction to SIMDASI, and One Data Indonesia in Sawahlunto

August 7, 2019 | Other Activities

On August 7, 2019 at the Sawahlunto Municipality Hall Meeting Room a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was held in the framework of finalizing Regions in Figures 2019, Introduction to SIMDASI, and One Data Indonesia. Participants who attended were the person in charge of data from 45 Departments / Agencies / Institutions as well as BUMNs who were producers of data from the Regions in Figures. The event began with the opening of the Head of the Economic and Development Statistics Section of Sawahlunto, then continued with the presentation of material by Chief Statistician of BPS-Statistics of Sawahlunto Municipality. In addition to bringing Regional Material in Numbers, Chief Statistician of BPS-Statistics of Sawahlunto Municipality also discussed the description of the implementation of SIMDASI which will run effectively in 2020. With SIMDASI, it is expected that the data presented in Regions in Figures can be more accurate. This is in line with the government's ideals to realize the Indonesian Data One (SDI) which is getting stronger with the issuance of the Republic of Indonesia Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019. After the presentation of the material, the event continued with discussion, verification, and finalization of Regions in Figures 2019. With the existence of This FGD activity is expected that all related parties, especially the Office / Institution / Institution / BUMN as Data Producers, can better understand their roles and responsibilities in the process of compiling Regions in Figures. Likewise with BPS as Guidance, Communication and Information as Walidata, and Barenlitbangda as SDI Secretariat, so that they can work together to create an Indonesian Data One (SDI) especially in Sawahlunto Municipality.

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