Sawahlunto's Mayor's Support for the Implementation of the 2020 Population Census - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sawah Lunto Municipality

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Sawahlunto's Mayor's Support for the Implementation of the 2020 Population Census

Sawahlunto's Mayor's Support for the Implementation of the 2020 Population Census

February 7, 2020 | BPS Activities

The Mayor of Sawahlunto, Deri Asta, SH, fully supports the implementation of the 2020 Population Census and invites every people in Sawahlunto Municipality to actively participate in the 2020 Population Census (SP2020). SP2020 will be implemented in 2 stages:

1. Online Population Census (February 15 to March 31, 2020): People fill in their personal and family data online through the website

2. Population Census Interview (1 to 31 July 2020): Officers from BPS-Statistics of Sawahlunto Municipality will visit residents's houses door-to-door.

Let's Succeed The 2020 Population Census
#SP2020 #MencatatIndonesia
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