In May 2023, the number of air transport passengers departing from BIM increased by 44.20 percent and the number of air transport passengers arriving via BIM decreased by 18.98 percent compared to the previous month - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sawah Lunto Municipality

*** BPS data can be obtained from Integrated Statistical Service BPS Kota Sawahlunto on Jl. Bagindo Aziz Chan, Ex. Aur Mulyo, Kec. Lembah Segar every working day starting at 07:30 s.d 16:00 WIB.      ***

In May 2023, the number of air transport passengers departing from BIM increased by 44.20 percent and the number of air transport passengers arriving via BIM decreased by 18.98 percent compared to the previous month

Release Date : July 3, 2023
File Size : 1.39 MB


  • The number of air transport passengers departing from Minangkabau International Airport in May 2023 increased by 44.20 percent compared to the previous month. The number of air transport passengers arriving at BIM in May 2023 decreased by 18.98 percent compared to the previous month. 
  • The number of goods loaded via domestic sea transportation in Sumatera Barat in May 2023 decreased by 49.39 percent compared to the previous month. The number of goods unloaded via domestic sea transportation in Sumatera Barat in May 2023 decreased by 64.38 percent compared to the previous month. 
  • The number of goods loaded via Sumatera Barat foreign sea transportation in May 2023 decreased by 44.54 percent compared to the previous month. The number of goods unloaded via Sumatera Barat foreign sea transportation in May 2023 experienced an increase of 111.04 percent compared to the previous month. 
  • The number of train passengers in May 2023 in the local economy class has increased by 22.86 percent compared to the previous month. The amount of goods loaded by trains in May 2023 decreased by 51.84 percent compared to the previous month.
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