The Sumatera Barat Farmer Exchange Rate (FER) for September 2023 was recorded at 110.82 and the price of dry harvested grain at the farmer level increased 8.50 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sawah Lunto Municipality

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The Sumatera Barat Farmer Exchange Rate (FER) for September 2023 was recorded at 110.82 and the price of dry harvested grain at the farmer level increased 8.50 percent

Release Date : October 2, 2023
File Size : 3.57 MB


  • Sumatera Barat's NTP for September 2023 was 110.82 or an increase of 1.71 percent compared to the previous month's NTP. The increase in NTP was due to an increase in the Price Index Received by Farmers (It) of 1.81 percent, which was greater than the increase in the Price Index Paid by Farmers (Ib), which was 0.09 percent. 
  • The Sumatera Barat Agricultural Household Business Exchange Rate (NTUP) in September 2023 was 109.92 or an increase of 1.76 percent compared to the previous month's NTUP. 
  • In September 2023, the NTP for each subsector was recorded at 102.57 for the food crops subsector (NTPP), 100.89 for the horticulture subsector (NTPH), 125.36 for the smallholder plantation crops subsector (NTPR), 111.52 for the livestock subsector ( NTPT), and 98.74 for the fisheries subsector (NTPN). The fisheries subsector is divided into two, namely the capture fisheries and aquaculture subsectors with NTP of 104.84 and 94.11 respectively.
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