Sawahlunto City In Figures 2015 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sawah Lunto Municipality

*** BPS data can be obtained from Integrated Statistical Service BPS Kota Sawahlunto on Jl. Bagindo Aziz Chan, Ex. Aur Mulyo, Kec. Lembah Segar every working day starting at 07:30 s.d 16:00 WIB.      ***

Sawahlunto City In Figures 2015

Catalog Number : 1102001.1373
Publication Number : -
ISSN/ISBN : 978-602-1394-10-6
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : January 27, 2016
Language : Indonesian and English
File Size :  MB


The ¬…œSawahlunto City In Figures 2015¬‚ is continuation of the previous publication. This edition contains data on various fields. It is intended to provide information on geographic condition and general socio-economic condition of the population in Sawahlunto.
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