Mapping and Updating Area of the SP2020 Statistical Working Area - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Sawah Lunto Municipality

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Mapping and Updating Area of the SP2020 Statistical Working Area

Mapping and Updating Area of the SP2020 Statistical Working Area

June 24, 2019 | BPS Activities

Last April to May 2019, the Central Bureau of Statistics organized the Mapping and Updates Activities of the SP2020 Statistics Working Area simultaneously throughout Indonesia. This activity was carried out to obtain a master map framework and the latest content of statistical work areas, especially for the upcoming 2020 (SP2020) Population Census.

SP2020 is the 7th population census since Indonesia's independence. The census conducted every year ending in number 0 is done to collect data related to population such as population, sex ratio, urbanization, education, population growth rate, population distribution, and others. In preparation for the implementation of the SP2020, BPS has begun to compile the master framework since 2018, which was then followed by mapping activities in 2019. A complete, accurate, relevant and up-to-date master framework will be used as the basis for planning and implementing various census activities and BPS surveys. This parent framework will cover all BPS statistical work areas (wilkerstat) consisting of provinces, districts / cities, sub-districts, villages / kelurahan, and census blocks (BS). To complete the master framework, in this 2019 mapping, BPS began to compile a basic map of the local environmental unit (SLS).

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